The Journey
The Evolution Of Knox
On the evening of June 11, 1883, the thirty member congregation of Knox Church met in the general store of I.G Baker & Company. A recent graduate from the Knox College in Toronto, Rev. Angus Roberson led the service.
The Journey to Calgary
Rev. Angus Roberson traveled by train from Winnipeg to the end of the rails at Dunmore Junction, east of Medicine Hat. It was there, he purchased a team of horses and drove over 200 miles to Calgary.
Visual - The formation of Knox United Church: The Church Union Movement
On January 16, 1925, the Church Union Movement was proposed and the small majority of the congregation voted to enter the United Church. The part of the congregation that voted against the movement left and sought a place of worship elsewhere. This group is now known as the present Knox United Church.
Our New Family
The Presbyterian groups from Hillhurst, Bankview and St. Paul’s all united under the name of Knox Presbyterian Church.
Finding a Place to Worship
For three years, the congregation met for worship at the Palace Theatre and later at the Oddfellows Temple auditorium. However, as the city expanded the congregation voted unanimously to relocate to our present location at 35th Avenue and 37th Street. This is the sixth building which seated 425 persons and was dedicated on May 29, 1960. The building was shaped like a tent or a “tabernacle” of the Old Testament frame.
Our Tragedy
Unfortunately, this building burned to its foundation on May 1, 1985 due to arson. Knox’ s seventh and present building
seats 300 people, and was built on the same site and was dedicated October 4, 1987.
Knox’s dedication to helping others
As early as 1905, Knox has been interested in helping new Canadians. The congregation was committed to extending
its resources to the underprivileged, the misunderstood, and those outcast by society. The congregation personally assisted Chinese Immigrants with their acculturation process by teaching English and cultural customs. In 1906, the Chinese Mission requested to come under the authority of the Knox Session.
Ever since, the practice of assisting new Canadians has continued throughout the years. We have proudly helped refugees from Vietnam, Central America, and Sudan. During these early years, and up to the present time, Knox assisted in establishing several other Presbyterian congregations in the Calgary area.

The story of Knox, Calgary's journey to become an inclusive Church is not a story about a radical attempt to change or undermine orthodoxy. It is the story about a community of God's children working and talking to discern Gods will in the Twenty-first century. The story of a community trying to work out the meaning of its faith and witness today. The story of a community discovering the presence and activity of God within the world, the church and their lives.
Moderator Issues Letter of Repentance to LGBTQI Community

Healing & Reconciliation
In 1994, The Presbyterian Church in Canada adopted the Confession to God and to Indigenous people for its role in the Indian Residential School System. The church is committed to walking with Indigenous people on a journey toward reconciliation and living out the spirit of its Confession.
The Healing and Reconciliation Program was established by General Assembly in 2006 to assist The Presbyterian Church in Canada in restoring right relations with Indigenous people. The program provides resources to raise awareness among Presbyterians about the impact of colonialism on Indigenous people and supports initiatives that build relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people.