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Where Everyone is Welcome

Knox is a Presbyterian Church that congregates on Sunday mornings to explore and discuss our Christian faith. We often relate sermons and fellowship to current events that are both local and global in scale.


Most importantly, we believe in social justice, community, and compassion. Our doors are open to everyone. Knox is a place of sanctuary; where you are embraced for being your authentic self.

Who We Are

Presbyterians Sharing supports the overall mission and ministry of The Presbyterian Church in Canada as Presbyterians across Canada live out the Gospel message. Together, we are putting our faith into action by:

  • equipping congregations, ministries and presbyteries

  • engaging in evangelism, outreach and discipleship

  • embracing local, national and international mission

  • providing tools for faithful ministry and worship

  • creating and supporting new faith communities

  • engaging in healing and reconciliation

  • supporting Indigenous ministries

  • supporting biblical and theological reflection and dialogue

  • discerning, preparing and supporting visionary leadership

  • encouraging spiritual renewal

  • living out God’s call to justice

  • empowering youth

The Presbytery of Calgary-Macleod is the local governing body of the Presbyterian Church in Canada that sits directly above

the Session of individual member churches. There are currently 12 churches in this Presbytery from Banff (1), Bassano (1), Calgary (8), Lethbridge (1) and Medicine Hat (1). The Presbytery supports member churches by providing a forum for people to meet, exchange ideas and encouragements as well as fostering the development of new local churches.

Knox is also associated with the organization, affirming connections, which was created to strengthen and amplify the affirming voice and actions of fully inclusive faith and spiritual communities in Calgary.

Presbyterian Church of Canada
affirming connections

An inclusive Christian atmosphere

for spiritual nourishment and

caring fellowship.


 Connect with community to advocate for social justice and work with others to enhance local wellness.


Our neighbours include: Killarney, Rutland Park, Glamorgan, Glenbrook, and the greater Southwest region of Calgary.

Calgary leaves



Worship & Music


1. To widen our circles of friendship regardless of gender, sexuality, race or age.

2. To create an environment where people can learn, experience and express compassion and work for justice.

3. To invite people to participate in Knox’s ministry and encourage generosity of time, energy and money.


4. To create significant worship and provide meaningful opportunities for spiritual growth.

2020 & 2021 Annual Report
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 Knox hopes you read our 2020 Annual Report: Serving, Leading, Connecting. Knox is committed to supporting our southwest communities and the annual report describes the inspiring journeys, local stories, and hopeful progress. The report also demonstrates Knox's commitment to its core values and missional goals, while providing insights into the structures and roles at Knox. 

To read our report click below!

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We have also included our 2021 Annual Report: Sharing Together. Knox is committed to ensuring that the community feels supported. The 2021 Annual Report is broken down into three major sections which are: Celebrating Our Ministry, Evaluating Our Ministry and Funding our Ministry.

To read our report click below!

Calgary Knox Logo

When I went to Bermuda in 1992, I had the fortune of planning a Sesquicentennial celebration for the Church. They decided to install a new organ and two new stained glass windows to celebrate their anniversary. We were able to commission the windows from a Bermudian Artist.


The window was meant to depict 6 different ways that St. Andrew's had been involved in mission work through its 150 years. The words nec tamen cosumebator can be seen in red at the bottom. These are the very words from the scene in Exodus when Moses notices the burning bush, and notes that it burns but is not consumed.

Many leaves can be seen in the window as they climb from bottom to top encircling the 3 scenes in each glass panel. The leaves, as they rise, go from a darker green to light green to yellow to red.

At the very top you will see a bowl with folded hands in it. It is from a description in the Apocalypse where John notes that the prayers of the saints rise like incense to god. Here, the actions of the Church in being present in the community witness, testify, incarnate the presence of god in the community, and those actions, like incense rise like prayer and praise.

Aspen trees and leaves are common in Alberta, though the red is not common. We thought of using the Aspen leaves, along with the idea that Vivienne developed when making the St. Andrew's window and the leaves changing from green to red. The fact that there are three relates to our number of Core Values.


The graphic artist that pulled them together on a design we experimented with was Carrie May, my wife's niece who works out of Cornwall, England. 


Rev. Mark Tremblay

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